Account Manager
At the point of mobilisation, we will place a hard copy Compliance File at your site(s). This file details every contractor employed to service the site capturing their waste transfer notes, licensing, insurances, permits, method statements and any accreditations they hold. These files will address any information requests that the Environmental Agency or any other bodies may have pertaining to environmental matters. The files will be audited and updated on a monthly basis by a dedicated Account Manager. These files will exist in addition to the information held by the portal described below.
Client Portal
The RRUK online client portal will also contain Duty of Care documentation pertaining to the site(s) in question, which may be downloaded by authorised users. We have built the portal as a tiered access device so that the ultimate contract owner can have consolidated access to all sites information, any regional management can have access to all of their particular sites and site level management can see their own site information.
The Roydon Mobilisation Team sit as the transition between Sales and Account Management to ensure a comprehensive handover brief and initial contract execution by creating all the back-office systems required by the new client contract, supplier engagement relationships and client support strategies. This team, if required, can provide a fully integrated de-mobilisation from your incumbent provider, dovetailing with incoming service providers to ensure continuity of service, taking away any concerns of project planning that you may have.
Contact us
Roydon Recycling
Get in touch
Roydon Recycling UK, Junction House, Rake Lane, Junction Business Park, M27 8LU
0161 728 2901